Title: | Vainly Clutching at Phantom Limbs + The Winter Hawk - Clear |
Artist: | Elf Power |
Genre: | Rock |
Style: | Lo-Fi, Indie Rock |
Label: | Orange Twin |
Catalog: | OTR 058 |
Barcode: | 708527230039 |
Release: | 2023-07-21 |
A1 | Pioneer Mansion |
A2 | Temporary Arm |
A3 | All Your Experiments |
A4 | Finally Free |
A5 | Drug Store |
A6 | Loverboy's Demise |
B7 | Slither Hither |
B8 | Circular Malevolence |
B9 | When The Serpents Approach |
B10 | Surgery |
B11 | Vainly Clutching At Phantom Limbs |
B12 | Arachnid Dungeon Attack |
C13 | Grand Intrusion Call |
C14 | Heroes and Insects |
D15 | The Winter Hawk |
D16 | Exalted Exit Wound |