Aesop Rock - Bazooka Tooth

Title: Bazooka Tooth
Artist: Aesop Rock
Genre: Hip Hop
Style: Conscious
Label: Rhymesayers
Catalog: RSE0353-1
Barcode: 826257035318


A1 Bazooka Tooth
A2a N.Y. Electric
A2b - Hunter Interlude -
A3 Easy
A4 No Jumper Cables
B5a Limelighters
B5b - Funkadelic Interlude -
B6 Super Fluke
B7 Cook It Up
B8a Freeze
B8b - Honeycomb Interlude -
C9 We're Famous
C10 Babies With Guns
C11 The Greatest Pac-Man Victory In History
D12 Frijoles
D13a 11:35
D13b - Ketamine U.S.A. Interlude -
D14 Kill The Messenger
D15 Mars Attacks

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