Title: | Mother Earth's Plantasia - SB 15 Year Edition - Caladium Pink & Green |
Artist: | Mort Garson |
Genre: | Electronic |
Style: | Experimental, Ambient |
Label: | ICEWIL |
Catalog: | SBR-3030 |
Barcode: | 843563150382 |
Release: | 2022-08-19 |
A1 | Plantasia |
A2 | Symphony For A Spider Plant |
A3 | Baby's Tears Blues |
A4 | Ode To An African Violet |
A5 | Concerto For Philodendron And Pothos |
B1 | Rhapsody In Green |
B2 | Swingin' Spathiphyllums |
B3 | You Don't Have To Walk A Begonia |
B4 | A Mellow Mood For Maidenhair |
B5 | Music To Soothe The Savage Snake Plant |