Title: | All The Things: Decade Of Songs - Bone White |
Artist: | Emily Yacina |
Genre: | Rock , Pop |
Style: | Indie Rock, Indie Pop |
Label: | Danger Collective |
Catalog: | DCR-131 |
Barcode: | 673681141326 |
Release: | 2022-07-29 |
A1 | As We Go (2011) |
A2 | Bruise (2014) |
A3 | Hot Air (2015) |
A4 | Soft Stuff (2015) |
A5 | Miss You (2015) |
A6 | All The Things (2016) |
B1 | Vision (2017) |
B2 | So Easy (2018) |
B3 | Bleachers (2019) |
B4 | Chances (2020) |
B5 | DB Cooper (2021) |
B6 | White Bull (2021) |
B7 | Dominos (2021) |