Title: | Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin |
Genre: | Pop , Folk, World, & Country |
Style: | Country |
Label: | Music On Vinyl |
Catalog: | MOVLP1631 |
Barcode: | 8719262016071 |
Release: | 2021-04-23 |
A1 | But Not For Me |
A2 | Somebody loves me |
A3 | Someone To Watch Over Me |
A4 | Lets Call The Whole Thing Off |
A5 | It Ain't Necessarily So |
B1 | I Got Rhythm |
B2 | Love Is Here To Stay |
B3 | They All Laughed |
B4 | Embraceable You |
B5 | They Can't Take That Away From Me |
B6 | Summertime |