Title: | OI This Is Streetpunk 2020 |
Genre: | Rock |
Style: | Oi |
Label: | Pirate Press Records |
Catalog: | PPR277 |
Barcode: | 810017645176 |
Release: | 2020-12-11 |
1 | A Way of Life |
2 | Unbreakable |
3 | Un Jour |
4 | Methadone Mile |
5 | Desperation |
6 | A Natural Unnatural |
7 | The Rebel Sound |
8 | I Don;t Like You Anymore |
9 | Friendship |
10 | Just A Memory |
11 | March of the Gutter Kids |
12 | Backstabber |
13 | Tous Complices |
14 | Maryland Avenue |
15 | Freedom of Choice (Devo Cover) |
16 | Tarantula |
17 | Promised Us A Future |
18 | La Flamme Brule |
19 | Viriathus |
20 | You Won't Change Us |