Title: | To All My Friends, Blood Makes The Blade Holy: The Atmosphere EP's |
Artist: | Atmosphere |
Genre: | Hip Hop |
Style: | Conscious |
Catalog: | RSE0321-1 |
Barcode: | 826257032119 |
Release: | 2020-12-04 |
A1 | Until The Nipple's Gone |
A2 | The Major Leagues |
A3 | Scalp |
B1 | The Best Day |
B2 | Americareful |
B3 | Hope |
C1 | The Loser Wins |
C2 | Shotgun |
C3 | Commodities |
D1 | The Number None |
D2 | Freefallin' |
D3 | To All My Friends |