Title: | Anime,Trauma and Divorce |
Artist: | Open Mike Eagle |
Genre: | Hip Hop |
Style: | Rap & Hip-Hop |
Catalog: | None |
Barcode: | 195081872179 |
Release: | 2020-10-16 |
A1 | Death Parade |
A2 | Headass (Idiot Shinji) |
A3 | Sweatpants Spiderman |
A4 | Bucciarati |
A5 | Asa's Bop |
A6 | The Edge Of New Clothes |
B1 | Everything Ends Last Year |
B2 | The Black Mirror Episode |
B3 | Wtf Is Self Care |
B4 | I'm A Joestar (Black Power Fantasy) |
B5 | Airplane Boneyard |
B6 | Fifteen Twenty Feet Ocean Nah (Live From The Jojo Cruise) |