Title: | Teenage Wildlife - 25 Years of Ash |
Artist: | Ash |
Genre: | Rock , Pop |
Style: | Alternative Rock, Britpop |
Catalog: | BMGCAT425DLP |
Barcode: | 4050538549072 |
Release: | 2020-02-14 |
A1 | A Life Less Ordinary |
A2 | Arcadia |
A3 | Darkest Hour Of The Night |
A4 | Kung Fu |
A5 | Cocoon |
A6 | You Can't Have It All |
B1 | Girl From Mars |
B2 | Wildsurf |
B3 | Shining Light |
B4 | Starcrossed |
B5 | Buzzkill |
B6 | Goldfinger |
C1 | Burn Baby Burn |
C2 | Dare To Dream |
C3 | Annabel |
C4 | Machinery |
C5 | Sometimes |
D1 | Oh Yeah |
D2 | Angel Interceptor |
D3 | Jesus Says |
D4 | Orpheus |
D5 | Jack Names The Planets |