Skinny Lister - The Story Is...

Title: The Story Is...
Artist: Skinny Lister
Genre: Rock , Folk, World, & Country
Style: Folk Rock, Pop Punk
Catalog: XMR148LP
Barcode: 5056032320932


A1 Second Amendment
A2 My Life, My Architecture
A3 Diesel Vehicle
A4 Rattles & Roar
A5 Artist Arsonist
A6 The Shining
A7 The Story Is...
B1 38 Minutes
B2 My Distraction
B3 Stop & Breathe
B4 Cause For Chorus
B5 Alister McAllister
B6 Sometime So It Goes
B7 Any Resemblance To Actual Persons, Living Or Dead, Is Purely Coincidental

Cover art and Images

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