Title: | Venom |
Genre: | Stage & Screen |
Style: | Score, Soundtrack |
Label: | Sony |
Catalog: | 19075897631 |
Barcode: | 190758976310 |
Release: | 2018-12-14 |
A1 | Space Exploration |
A2 | Symbiotes Arrive |
A3 | First Contact |
A4 | Eddie’s Blues |
A5 | Run, Eddie, Run |
A6 | What’s Wrong With Me |
A7 | Panic At The Bistro |
A8 | Humans...Such Poor Design |
A9 | Self Defense |
B1 | Pedal To The Metal |
B2 | Eyes, Lungs, Pancreas |
B3 | You Want Up? |
B4 | Venom Rampage |
B5 | Annie, I’m Scared |
B6 | Parasite |
B7 | Unexpected Ally |
B8 | Battle On The Launch Pad |
B9 | You Belong With Us |