Title: | "Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic" |
Artist: | The Ocean |
Genre: | Rock |
Style: | Progressive Metal, Post-Metal |
Label: | PELAGIC |
Catalog: | PEL120 |
Barcode: | 4059251274223 |
Release: | 2019-11-18 |
A1 | The Cambrian Explosion |
A2 | Cambrian II | Eternal Recurrence |
A3 | Ordovicium | The Glaciation Of Gondwana |
A4 | Silurian | Age Of Sea Scorpions |
B1 | Devonian | Nascent |
B2 | The Carboniferous | Rainforest Collapse |
B3 | Permian | The Great Dying |