Sindalsvej 36B, 8240 Risskov, Denmark
Web-based music shop that started a record store in 2016. We exclusively sell new and sealed vinyl.
More about iMusic
iMusic - also a physical record store and K-pop store
You probably know iMusic best as an online store that sells vinyl, CDs, K-pop, books, films and merchandise. But since 2018 we have actually also had a physical music store in Aarhus. It started primarily as a vinyl shop at our then address in Århus C, but has since expanded to also be a K-pop shop (one of the largest in the country) and CD shop etc. where the prices are very competitive.
In 2021, iMusic had grown so large that we no longer had enough space at our address in Århus C. We therefore moved both the music store and webshop department to our current address in the Århus suburb of Risskov.